Dutch for Dummies, Part 3: Wills and will-nots

In this series, I will try to teach you some Dutch for Dummies, aka some must-knows when communicating with Dutch people. Because I’ll admit: we have some unique habits. Today, I’m discussing some things we will and will not do. Not all our eccentricities are shown through words, you know.

Dutch for Dummies, Part 2: Offering

In this series, I will try to teach you some Dutch for Dummies, aka some must-knows when communicating with Dutch people. Because I’ll admit: we have some unique habits. Today, I’m discussing the different types of offering. Because yes, we have more than one. 

Dutch for Dummies

In this series, I will try to teach you some Dutch for Dummies, aka some must-knows when communicating with Dutch people. Because I’ll admit: we have some unique habits.

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